International Nitrogen Initiative - Seeker's Thoughts

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International Nitrogen Initiative

 What is International Nitrogen Initiative?

The international nitrogen initiative was established in 2003 to review the current understanding of the Nitrogen cycle and to interact with decision maker and practitioners to identify management options that optimize the use of nitrogen fertilizers. 

This included at the same time minimizing the negative effects of nitrogen on human health and the environment because of food and energy production.
INI is a global network of scientists, created and sponsored by scientific Committee on Problems of Environment (SCOPE) and the International Geosphere – Biosphere Program (IGBP), with regional centers in Europe.
Regions included- INI is coordinated by steering committee, led by chair and six regional center's directors representing, North America, South Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and East Asia. INI is also currently sustained partner of Future Earth (an international organization that works to accelerate transformations to global sustainability through research and innovation).

How does the nitrogen cycle work?   
The Nitrogen Cycle
The nitrogen cycle is crucial biogeochemical cycle- it is a process where chemical elements or molecules moves throughout the essentially recycling. Once a cycle starts, it eventually returns to its starting position, completing a circle wherein the element/molecule comes to the state it started from.
That recycles the element nitrogen into its various usable forms. It is very similar to other cycles, such as the water and oxygen cycles. As such, the nitrogen cycle is extremely important in sustaining Earth’s plentiful ecosystem.
Nitrogen by itself is quite inert – (does not reach) or it does not directly get mixed into soil so it must be converted into forms that organisms can make use of. For example- plants use nitrogen in form of urea.
The Presence-
Everywhere the nitrogen cycles are vital portion of the world’s ecosystem, just as important as the oxygen, carbon, phosphorus, and water cycles. As a cycle, it moves throughout nearly everything on the planet. It happens in plants, animals, bacteria, the atmosphere, water, anywhere.

How does the nitrogen cycle impact on human and environment?
As human change the way to live in the planet, the way that nitrogen moves around the Earth also changes. Nitrogen atoms may seem small enough to be easily overlooked. Recent changes in the nitrogen cycles are causing effect on natural environment and human health.
Lakes are clogged with aquatic weed. Dead zones have formed areas of the oceans where animals cannot survive. Air pollutants that contain nitrogen are decreasing air quality and greenhouses gases. To grow crops people have been transforming nitrogen from the atmosphere into nitrogen from the atmosphere in to nitrogen fertilizers and then adding the fertilizers to the plants. Nitrogen from fertilizers sinks into soil, often creating conditions that favor the growth of weeds rather than native plants.

 How do INI work to control nitrogen cycle impact?

1 It helps in promoting upcoming meetings, publications and projects

2 It also works in developing strategies to raise awareness with policy makers, governments, various stakeholders and the public for the benefits of improving nitrogen management.

3 It gets involved in coordinating regional efforts to improve nitrogen management globally.

The INI holds a conference every three years, inviting members of the international nitrogen community to meet up and discuss ideas and exchange knowledge on nitrogen issues. The last INI conference was held in Melbourne, in December 2016 with the aim to reducing nutrient losses while producing food and energy for all our human family while reducing nitrogen’s negative effects on the environment and human health.
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