Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be - Seeker's Thoughts

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Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be

Values Are Not What We Are But What We Should Be

Pic Credit: Saroj Gajural

 Values are general beliefs regarding what is deemed desirable or proper within any culture, and can have lasting impacts on behavior and attitudes of its inhabitants.

Values differ from norms by being more universal concepts that encompass wider behaviors such as flying the flag on holidays or wearing dark clothing for funerals - both are typical normative behaviors but symbolize values such as patriotism and respect for others.


1. The best for an individual is not necessarily the best for the society.


Values are beliefs that influence an individual's behavior and attitudes, often providing broad interpretations of right or wrong. A person's values can be developed from family, community, schools or media influences as well as through personal experiences and desires.

People with strong values tend to be happier. Unfortunately, some values may clash with those of others and cause tension - for example a person who values frugality may not want to spend money lavishly or donate it to charity.

Families play an essential role in teaching their children values that span across cultures, but it is equally essential that they allow the kids to come up with their own set of values. Children will more likely adhere to values they had an active hand in creating; this is particularly relevant when raising adolescents. Values influence career choices, relationships and lifestyle - for instance an extreme sports athlete might value excitement over calmness as one example of value driven life choices.


2. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success.


Values are core beliefs about what matters in life and act as the basis for all decisions, thoughts, emotions and actions taken by a person. Values may be shaped by many different sources such as parents, friends, education institutions and religious bodies as well as personal experiences and the prevalent belief system.

People tend to adopt the values they were raised with and believe those values to be "correct". For instance, if an individual holds as their core value that making money without regard for its source could lead them down an unethical path.

A fulfilling life is one that is driven by love and guided by knowledge, as well as one in which improvements to oneself and others are prioritized. Courageous acceptance and dedication towards growth are keys to success; our society would benefit immensely from developing this culture within itself. Additionally, children need to be taught true moral values at school so they may live happier, fulfilled lives.


3. Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India.


As climate change is an ever-present threat, India needs to become climate resilient as soon as possible. One key solution lies in alternative technologies; this essay examines and analyses various dimensions related to this strategy - starting with its necessity, then moving onto contemporary challenges, before considering stakeholders' attitudes toward it all.

It also explores ways of finding alternative technologies and their possible pitfalls, suggesting solutions moving forward.

Agriculture is a significant economic contributor, employing 16% of India's population. Monsoonal rains play a key role in driving this sector's success; however, changes to their pattern could threaten agricultural production.

To address this situation, the government has introduced various policies such as happy seeder technology to reduce stubble burning, encouraging genetically modified crops cultivation and providing weather insurance through PM Fasal Bima Yojna etc. However, developing these new technologies costs a great deal of money which diverts resources away from development goals while taking years before becoming commercially viable - making them hard for developing countries and least developed nations to afford them.


4. A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.


Humanity means being kind to other people. It's what distinguishes us from animals and plants. Oxfam cites our sense of humanity when asking for donations to feed hungry children - they appeal to it!

Values are ideas or beliefs a person internalized, whether desirable or undesirable, that they deem important. Due to being highly personal and often complex in nature, generalizing them can be difficult but some common values include wealth, loyalty, independence, equality and justice.

Values can be shaped by culture, traditions and internal and external factors that shape their identity; so it's essential to reflect upon what values matter to you in life and find ways to incorporate those beliefs into daily activities.

Values change throughout our lives, yet it's essential to keep in mind that even basic values have an immense effect. They motivate our behaviors and guide decisions - something central to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), an approach to mental health that encourages people to reflect upon themselves and act according.


5. Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere.


Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere, calling upon all people globally to have enough food, safe drinking water, shelter, health care services and education, protection from violence or other risks and an equal voice in what goes on in their community. Basic human needs cannot be fulfilled in societies where environmental degradation, patriarchy, discrimination, authoritarianism or exploitation predominates.

Poverty creates many negative consequences that have an enormous negative effect on society at large, from crimes such as prostitution and fraud, to immoral and violent behaviours that harm its wellbeing.

An example would be how poverty prevents a country from investing in industries or education programs, leading to a growing gap between rich and poor that will impact all areas of the globe. Therefore, global organisations and nations have taken steps towards eliminating global poverty; providing funds and devising strategies that assist developing nations overcome it; however these efforts will only bear fruit when people understand its roots and come together as one force against its continuation.

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