World Humanitarian Day: 19th August - Seeker's Thoughts

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World Humanitarian Day: 19th August

Many brave humanitarians risk their lives every day to aid strangers during times of need. Their work is immensely important and their efforts should be recognized for all that they contribute.

Following the bombing at Baghdad's Canal Hotel that claimed Sergio Vieira de Mello's life along with 21 fellow humanitarians, the UN General Assembly officially recognized 19 August as World Humanitarian Day and celebrates it around the globe through various events and campaigns.

The significance

People living in first world conditions can struggle to comprehend the daily struggles and dangers experienced by people displaced due to natural disaster, social or political strife or armed conflict. Men, women and children displaced from their homes or lives as a result rely heavily on humanitarian workers who put themselves at risk in order to provide relief and hope.

All those involved with humanitarian organizations and nonprofit agencies that fund relief efforts require additional resources in order to fulfill their missions, making donating an impactful way individuals can help out - through spreading awareness on social media or volunteering or being donor advocates; while governments also play a pivotal role by increasing funding to these efforts.

"It takes a village to raise a child" holds true in humanitarian communities around the globe; recognition and celebration should be showered upon individuals and groups dedicated to making an impactful difference is our world must occur first by understanding why they do it: love or sacrifice may drive their efforts.

The need

Numerous humanitarian organizations around the globe require additional resources. You can join their effort by volunteering your time or making a financial donation; raising awareness by signing online petitions that request global leaders pledge their commitment to protect civilians during conflict as well as provide lifesaving aid during disasters or other crises; or simply signing online petitions demanding they commit to protect civilians during warfare and provide vital aid after war, disasters or crises occur.

Humanitarian workers are among the bravest individuals alive, often placing themselves at great personal risk to save lives and alleviate suffering for strangers. Unfortunately, this work often comes at great personal cost to themselves and their families - often being attacked or even killed while on duty. At Sergio Vieira Mello Foundation and de Mello's family have worked tirelessly to recognize these extraordinary individuals for all they do to make our world safer for those most in need.

This year's World Humanitarian Day theme is "It Takes a Village". The campaign features digital art that illustrates aid worker roles and represents the wider humanitarian community. A website will launch with easy-to-share content as well as toolkits for partners to use when rolling out their own material. Follow along the campaign online using #WorldHumanitarianDay, #RealLifeHeroes, #ItTakesAVillage, and #WorldHumanitarianDay2023. Or subscribe to the mailing list for updates!

Theme for 2023

2023's World Humanitarian Day theme will be "It Takes a Village", intended to emphasize that aid workers cannot continue their work alone in many environments where they operate; often facing physical attacks as they conduct their daily duties and with lives at risk due to doing their job.

Each year, many events and social media campaigns take place to raise awareness about the need for humanitarian assistance worldwide. Global social media campaigns also spread their messages quickly and efficiently.

Every year, the United Nations selects a different theme to highlight on World Humanitarian Day. Topics typically range from specific humanitarian crises to humanity and peace. They also honor those humanitarian workers who have paid the ultimate price while helping others.

2021's theme, for instance, was "Humanity First: Meeting the Needs of Affected Communities", and focused on how climate change impacts on those most at risk. The 2021 theme was chosen in memory of those lost during the Canal Hotel bombing - such as Sergio Vieira de Mello and 21 other humanitarian workers who perished during this devastating incident.

In December 2008, the United Nations General Assembly established World Humanitarian Day on August 19 to remember those who have died doing humanitarian work and recognize those still doing it today.


Many national and international humanitarian organizations will observe World Humanitarian Day with various events across the world. Humanitarian aid workers put themselves in harm's way daily to assist those in need; we owe them our gratitude.An easy way to celebrate World Humanitarian Day is by unleashing your inner philanthropist.

 There are so many things you can do to assist someone else! Be it helping out at your local food bank, mentoring a student who needs guidance or simply comforting a sick friend or relative; every bit counts!

As a teacher, take this chance to introduce your students to global citizenship through Learn-Feel-Act learning model. Start with watching Big Little World together on Noggin and encourage a dialogue on why humanitarian work must be recognized and celebrated.

Take your students on a journey to explore the various themes celebrated for World Humanitarian Day through exploring its past campaigns page on the United Nations website's World Humanitarian Day past campaigns page, showing them ways they can contribute to humanitarian efforts daily in their daily lives. Make sure they recognize that it's not only their fellow humans who need assistance but also their families and communities that require aid.

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