Indian Space Research Organization is planning to send men into space, and for that, the organization needs pilots from the armed forces. The mission came under controversies as ‘it will not have any women in the mission’.
Every space program first had men than included women after years. India could have paved the way for both genders to take in the space together at the very first time.
However, as per the official sources, women would not be a part of the mission.
The reason behind having the mission womanless is because test pilots are not women. However, there will be future involvement of women in the mission.
The Indian Space Research Organisation has begun the process of short-listing probable candidates for its first manned mission and it should be completed by next month.
However, from the organizational contexts, the reasons seem true, but this shows the gender gap at workplaces. Women can be efficient pilots, but the cultural and traditional roles keep on pushing them behind.
What is Human in Space Program?
Human in Space Program was ‘conceptualized’ by India in 2004. According to this, Indian Space Research Organization has to develop and launch three crew to low Earth Orbit (LEO) on a vehicle called Gaganyaan.
The crewed flight is announced to go in 2022 on GSLV –III rocket.
What is Gaganyaan?
Gaganyaan is the name of a three-ton spaceship which can carry a three-member crew to Orbit and safely return to Earth After a mission duration up to two days.
The extended version of Gaganyaan will fly up to seven days.
Indian could potentially become the fourth country to send a man to space after Russia (erstwhile USSR), the United States, and China.
Denmark has also been planning to have a manned space flight scheduled for 2022
The history and Struggles
Indian Space Research Organization is planning to send men into space, and for that, the organization needs pilots from the armed forces. The mission came under controversies as ‘it will not have any women in the mission’. 

One among the largest population of the world resides in India, among those only Rakesh Sharma could go to space flight in 1984 on Russian Mission.
However, ISRO has been working quietly in the background on the development of an astronaut training program. ISRO has MoU with Indian Air Force Institute of Aerospace Medicine to conduct Basic research on the human physiological and physiological requirement for human spacecraft crew.
The capsule which carries human would be heavy and special launch vehicle which is made in India GSLV –III has been ready in the year 2017, yet ISRO demonstrated its ability to launch and recover 600-kilogram module in 2007 itself. Not only ISRO was able to track the navigation of the capsule. This experiment was known as “Space Recovery Experiment”
Why did not India go to Space Missions Up to now?
ISRO did not have its own launch vehicle until the making of GSLV –MK III. The availability of fund was also an issue as funding such projects demands a lot of money.
Why should India Participate in Human Space Programs?
The world has a brutal history of war. The more nations compete and collaborate in science labs, sports, art festivals, business, environmental management; lesser conflicts will lead to battle.
For example, ISS or International Space Station has been inhabited since 2000 and that comes through the International collaboration of the nations who are not politically allied. In space, humans stand from the Earth, not from the nations.
As per the warning of eminent scientists like Stephen Hawkins, the earth may not remain habitable after 100 years due to climate change, the people will need a new home.
Therefore, the education of outer space will help humans to understand the secrets of the universe and find ways in sustaining life outside the earth.
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