How to Prevent and Treat Hepatitis B - A Comprehensive Guide - Seeker's Thoughts

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How to Prevent and Treat Hepatitis B - A Comprehensive Guide

Hepatitis B is an infectious liver infection. It may cause mild illness that lasts a few weeks or lead to chronic liver disease.

The HIV virus spreads when its blood or semen enter the bodies of individuals who aren't already infected, either through unprotected sex, injection drug use, or when an infected mother passes it onto her unborn baby during delivery.


Hepatitis B is caused by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). Most individuals who contract it experience an acute, or short-term infection that resolves within 6 months; however, some can become chronic carriers and eventually develop serious liver conditions such as cirrhosis and cancer of the liver. Infants and children are especially at risk; thus vaccines such as Hepatitis B vaccine can significantly lower your chances of chronic infection as well as being safe, cost effective and covered by most health plans.

Hepatitis is spread between individuals through contact with blood or other bodily fluids, including unprotected sexual activity, sharing needles for drug injections and breast feeding, as well as through saliva contamination and breastfeeding. Hepatitis B does not spread through coughing or sneezing and it does not go into eyes or ears.

Most people who contract hepatitis B become carriers without even realizing it; they may spread it without any symptoms and for years without realizing their situation. One out of twenty will develop chronic infection; those affected could remain carriers until death occurs and require antiviral medicines as a treatment option.

Hepatitis B can be transmitted from mother to infant during labor (perinatal transmission). It's also prevalent in areas where chronic hepatitis B is prevalent; most often chronic cases come about this way. Pregnant women diagnosed with Hepatitis B who become pregnant are routinely tested and given both vaccine and immune globulin to prevent transmission during childbirth.


Many people infected with Hepatitis B don't show any symptoms when first infected, although acute or chronic infections could occur at different rates. Chronic Hepatitis B infections damage liver tissue silently over time and could eventually lead to scarring (cirrhosis) or liver cancer.

Most people with hepatitis B do not require treatment. If their infection is short lived, health providers might simply advise rest and fluids as treatments to assist recovery; additionally, medicine might be provided to alleviate symptoms such as itchiness or sickness. On occasion, however, they might refer you to see a liver specialist for regular check-ups and blood tests to determine how well your liver is working.

If your hepatitis B infection is chronic, medications may be necessary to suppress its virus. You could receive either combination medicines or an injection called Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG). Your healthcare provider will discuss your options; medications could either be taken by mouth or intravenously; oral antivirals like Tenofovir Disoproxil and Tenofovir Alafenamide are among the most powerful oral antivirals that work to suppress it effectively - this might also be recommended along with diet low in fat while alcohol usage can help protect against further liver damage.

Hepatitis B can be spread when coming in contact with infected blood and body fluids, most commonly from infected mothers during childbirth; it may also spread by engaging in unprotected sexual acts, sharing needles for injecting drugs or injecting themselves, or sharing personal items like razors, toothbrushes and nail clippers that have not been cleaned thoroughly enough.


Hepatitis B can be contracted through contact with another individual's blood, semen or bodily fluids - such as through unprotected sexual encounters, sharing toothbrushes or razors with someone infected, or injecting drugs using dirty needles. Hepatitis B may also be passed along from infected mothers to their newborn babies during childbirth or through breast milk transmission.

Hepatitis B can either clear itself up on its own or be treated with medication. About 95 out of every 100 people who contract hepatitis B will clear the infection within 6 months and become immune; but in some people (chronic carriers), the virus continues to reside in their livers (chronic hepatitis B) without showing symptoms; many don't realize they carry it but could infect others due to illness or medications they take causing their immune systems to weaken over time.

Hepatitis B can become chronic with age. About 9 out of 10 infants who contract it become infected for life; 3 in 4 children and teenagers become chronic carriers; however, most adults don't develop chronic infections of hepatitis B; those who do may eventually progress into scarring of the liver known as cirrhosis.

Hepatitis B can be prevented with vaccination. Babies should receive the first dose at birth and subsequent doses every 2-18 months thereafter. All children and teens, as well as anyone at higher risk - such as workers in healthcare industries - should also get immunized against it.


Doctors typically diagnose hepatitis B through blood tests that measure HBsAg and antibodies against the virus, liver damage and potential causes such as alcohol abuse or genetic conditions that could lead to cirrhosis. Furthermore, urine, stool or bile samples may also be tested before performing a liver biopsy procedure.

Hepatitis B can be spread to others through contact with infected body fluids, including blood, saliva, semen and vaginal secretions. While often spread through unprotected sex it may also be transmitted during birth or by sharing needles for injecting drugs with someone infected. Although less common than its A counterpart it is also preventable by routine vaccination programs at birth and booster vaccinations later.

Chronic Hepatitis B Infection Often Doesn't Show: Only One Third Discover It Through Blood Tests [Source]]. Left untreated, chronic hepatitis B infection can lead to serious liver diseases like Cirrhosis or Cancer

If you have chronic hepatitis B, medications are available to control and prevent liver damage. Your doctor may suggest nucleoside analogs or interferons - they'll choose what's best for you - whether in pill form or as injection (peginterferon alfa-2a). Treatment typically lasts six months to one year. Should you choose not to continue, chances are the virus will return.


Hepatitis B can be spread through direct contact with infected blood or body fluids. Most often it spreads during childbirth from infected pregnant mothers to their unprotected infants; it can also spread via unprotected sex, sharing personal items like razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers and body jewelry, injecting drugs and unknowingly receiving uninfected needles from injection drug dealers. Most often the infection does not produce symptoms but some individuals may develop chronic (long-term) Hepatitis B which could potentially harm their liver over time.

Chronic Hepatitis B symptoms vary between individuals, with symptoms including jaundice or tiredness being common indicators of infection. People diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver require treatment in order to stop its progress - most people who seek antiviral therapies like Lamivudine (Tamiflu) and Adefovir Dipivoxil (Hepsera) tend to benefit.

Hepatitis B vaccines offer an effective defense against infection. In the US, all babies born are advised to receive this vaccination; additional recommendations include children aged 1-5 years and adults at high risk. A vaccine may also be provided for people who have previously experienced hepatitis B infection, or who possess certain risk factors such as previous Hepatitis C infection or HIV exposure.

Prevent Hepatitis B by not sharing needles and syringes for injections, using new, clean latex condoms every time you engage in sexual activity, consuming raw meat sparingly and consulting your physician prior to taking herbal treatments or vitamins as this could result in allergic reactions or interfere with effectiveness of medication prescribed to you.

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