The need of Emotional Intelligence in the time of Artificial Intelligence. - Seeker's Thoughts

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The need of Emotional Intelligence in the time of Artificial Intelligence.

The world of today and Artificial Intelligence
According to the definition Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals

Machines are there to help humans in making life better, the booming growth of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), like most transformational technologies, is both exciting and scary.

The good part is that the ways human lives may improve, from managing our calendars to making medical diagnoses, but it’s scary to consider the social and personal implications — and particularly the implications for our careers. 
Need to develop new Skill- Emotional Intelligence.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Human is an emotional animal, and when dominated by emotions various things in life go wrong. To manage these emotions- the Emotional Intelligence comes into light. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to understand and manage emotions
Why is it necessary? 
Experts agree that this type of intelligence plays an important role in success, and some have suggested that emotional intelligence might even be more important than IQ. In any case, research has suggested that emotional intelligence is linked to everything from decision-making to academic achievement.
How is it measured?
Psychologist and best-selling author Daniel Goleman has suggested that there are five components critical to emotional intelligence.

1-      Self-Awareness
2-      Self-regulations
3-      Social Skills
4-      Empathy
5-      Motivation
Self-Awareness- Self-awareness, or the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions, is a critical part of emotional intelligence. To be self-aware - monitor own emotions, recognize different emotional reactions, and then correctly identifying each particular emotion. Self-aware individuals also recognize the relationships between the things they feel and how they behave. These individuals are also capable of recognizing their own strengths and limitations, are open to new information and experiences, and learn from their interactions with others. That definitely leads to a better and clear path. 
Self-Regulation- This part is related to that how individual impacts on others.  Those who are skilled in self-regulation tend to be flexible and adapt well to change. They are also good at managing conflict and diffusing tense or difficult situations. Goleman also suggests that those with strong self-regulation skills are high in conscientiousness. They are thoughtful of how they influence others and take responsibility for their own actions.
Social Skills – Being able to interact well with others is another important aspect of emotional intelligence. True emotional understanding involves more than just understanding your own emotions and the feelings of others - you also need to be able to put this information to work in your daily interactions and communications.
Empathy – Being empathetic also allows people to understand the power dynamics that often influence social relationships, especially in workplace settings. Those competent in this area are able to sense who possess power in different relationships, understand how these forces influence feelings and behaviours, and accurately interpret different situations that hinge on such power dynamics. This involves more than just being able to recognize the emotional states of others - it also involves your responses to people based on this information.
Motivation- People who are emotionally intelligent are motivated by things beyond mere external rewards like fame, money, recognition, and acclaim. Instead, they have a passion to fulfil their own inner needs and goals. Those who are competent in this area tend to be action-oriented. They set goals, have a high need for achievement, and are always looking for ways to do better.

It’s long been known that AI and automation/robotics will change markets and workforces. Self-driving cars will force over three thousand truck drivers to seek new forms of employment, and robotic production lines like Tesla’s will continue to eat away at manufacturing jobs, which are currently at 12 million and falling. But this is just the beginning of the disruption.
Persuasion, Social Understanding and Empathy
Skills like persuasion, social understanding, and empathy are going to become differentiators as artificial intelligence and machine learning take over our other tasks.  Unfortunately, these human-oriented skills have generally been viewed as a second priority in terms of training and education.  We’ve all experienced the doctor, financial planner, or consultant who is more focused on his or her reports and data than on our unique situations and desires. For better or worse, these skills will become essential to anyone who wants to stay relevant in their field as automated systems proliferate.  We have three recommendations:
These highly skilled workers can command high rates because of three capabilities.  Their abilities to go through the early rote tasks quickly and accurately; their experiences and judgment in determining a course of action; and for helping clients navigate that course.  AI and machine learning will quickly surpass our abilities on the first two capabilities—and this will shift the skillset required for any worker wishing to stay in these careers as they are transformed by artificial intelligence.