India's Booming Population and the Need For More Women to Join the Workforce - Seeker's Thoughts

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India's Booming Population and the Need For More Women to Join the Workforce


India's Booming Population and the Need For More Women to Join the Workforce


India will likely overtake China as the world's most populous nation after the next census is taken place, giving cause both to celebrate and worry.


Education-rich clients of microfinance institutions tend to experience economic empowerment more frequently, according to a recent study. Yet other dimensions of gender inequality still inhibit women's work participation.


 India boasts a rich tradition of social entrepreneurs, many of whom are women. Olivia Deka is one such notable social entrepreneur; she founded She for Change as a key voice of social reform. Olivia Deka is best known for improving education for young children while simultaneously addressing poverty issues through She for Change's efforts - truly reflective of her dedication towards helping those most in need.


Gender inequality and social norms continue to impede Indian women in many fields, including labor market participation. Rural women citing domestic responsibilities as their reason for not joining the workforce - perhaps leading to India's recent drop in female labor force participation rate (LFPR). Furthermore, many occupations that experience the greatest job growth tend to be predominantly male-dominated while female-dominated fields experience less job creation overall.


Social enterprises have come to fill this void and provide opportunities for women. These businesses support women working in emerging sectors while developing innovative solutions with positive effects for society as a whole. Many also encourage entrepreneurship while offering access to technology so women can become more successful contributors towards economic development in India.


Enterprises like these also help address some of the nation's most pressing social problems, including healthcare services to the underprivileged and education access issues. The government is encouraging such businesses by supporting bottom-of-the-pyramid enterprises through the India Inclusive Innovation Fund; this will accelerate India's path to prosperity.


Introduction: A Cultural View


India is an enormously diverse nation in both culture and ethnicity. Home to ancient civilizations that still flourish today as well as one of the fastest-growing economies. India's population is expected to surpass that of China by April 2023 and become its most populous nation - yet it has a lot to encourage women's participation in the economy. 


Family, clans, castes and religious communities play an integral part in Indian society. People depend heavily on their kin, with fear of isolation being their greatest fear. 


Traditional joint families are highly esteemed; ideal households include several generations living, working and worshipping together - often including generations from faraway villages as well as urban centres - connected through networks of kinship ties that bind all generations to each other and beyond; cooperation among relatives plays an essential part in attaining economic or social advantage for everyone involved.


Even within this close societal structure, individuals remain free to pursue their individual goals and interests. Urban dwellers enjoy modern lifestyles reflected in India's movie industry and television stations; images such as these also reach rural villages and small-town residents influencing their aspirations levels.


 However in this traditional role, the more responsibilities come on women to take care of elders, and sit at home, and keeping their career as a non priority. 

Many Indian women continue to face disadvantageous conditions, particularly those living in rural areas where two-thirds of its population is engaged in agriculture. With significantly lower labor costs compared with urban centers, families in villages are often able to sustain themselves through cooperation within extended networks of kin. 


But due to gender segregation and limited access to education, medical care, and nutrition for girls their prospects may be limited despite caste discrimination laws as well as pre-independence reform movements led by Mahatma Gandhi and Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar have helped alleviate some of these disabilities.


Political System and Population Boom

Population boom hasn't been evenly distributed throughout India. Certain states, like Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh, have experienced dramatic population increases; others, like Goa and Kerala, have only seen modest gains. This reflects different economic opportunities and quality-of-life conditions often related to state politics.


While most discussion of India's growth tends to center around environmental impact, the country must also find ways to leverage its demographic dividend in order to meet economic goals. 


One such way would be through encouraging more women into productive employment - according to one 2018 McKinsey report, increasing Indian women working by just 10% could add $550 billion more GDP!


India's political landscape has undergone dramatic change due to the diminution of voter turnout differences between men and women voters - historically low 8.4 points in 2004 but decreasing steadily to just 1.8 percent by 2014.


India is governed under a federalist political system, meaning that states have various degrees of autonomy within its boundaries. 


Most powers reside with the central government; however, most power rests with its prime minister as traditionally the head of government and recognized de facto president of India.


The Indian parliament comprises two houses: Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The former is elected directly, while Rajya Sabha comprises state legislature members selected by direct voting as state representatives to represent state interests within federal parliament. Both houses can legislate, although Lok Sabha exerts more influence due to having legislative veto power on bills passed by Rajya Sabha.




India, home to over 1.4 billion people, surpasses China in population but its growth rate has slowed considerably despite dire predictions of demographic disaster. India boasts more people than many European and American nations combined but is growing fast enough in working-age population that it fuels its economy.


However, the nation still lacks basic health care or pension systems that could support such a large population. Without such protections in place, most families feel pressured to have as many children as possible in order to ensure future financial security.


Indian society still reveres the ancient ideal of joint family living; extended families tend to live together in clusters and quickly respond to any obligations related to kinship, sharing household duties while moving around as job opportunities arise.


Indira Gandhi served as India's Prime Minister from 1991-97 and its Hindu temples are filled with goddesses; nevertheless, statistics demonstrate that women remain underprivileged in India


Parents tend to favor boys due to their higher economic value in agriculture; moreover many girls marry into poorer homes where health care, nutrition and education services may not be as available or quality can often suffer as a result.


However, some states have made strides toward improved gender balance. Northern states such as Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh, along with two northeastern ones have experienced lower birth rates than average; other states ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party have introduced legislation encouraging smaller families; for instance denying jobs promotions or subsidies to parents having more than two children.


India can only capitalize on its demographic dividend by improving job quality and availability for its workforce, increasing apprenticeship programs to develop young people's skills, and ramping up apprenticeship programs to bridge skill gaps. 

If not addressed immediately, the demographic boom could turn into a crisis: unless India acts quickly "it will squander its advantage", making economic progress nearly impossible without adequate workers in its workforce; "demographic threats" pose a substantial danger.


Daily Life


Indian life remains marked by centuries-old traditions that continue to shape daily life today. Joint families continue to play a central role in many lives today, particularly those living in rural areas where most Indians still reside. 


Cooperative families help provide economic security to one another in these predominantly agricultural societies, with families often looking to strengthen ties by arranging marriages among their offspring. 


Villages and some towns tend to exhibit more transgressed caste affiliations, with large landholders usually belonging to an upper caste, small scale farmers being predominantly middle caste, and laborers falling mostly within lower-caste categories. Such divisions become less clear in cities due to vested interests which cut across caste boundaries.


Women in India have traditionally been less empowered than men due to male heirs having more control of family assets such as land and buildings. With India's emerging feminist movement gaining momentum, this trend is beginning to reverse itself and women are now experiencing much greater equality within modern society - with an equal footing ratio of 9.4 girls for every 10 boys.


As India moves toward its future, many questions remain. Chief among them: how it will maintain economic progress while simultaneously improving education and healthcare for its citizens, addressing chronic poverty and malnutrition issues as well as finding solutions for the rising incidence of dowry-related murders among young wives. One answer could lie within its vibrant culture which draws from centuries of experience in creating manageable order from vast complexity while creating harmony among people with divergent interests.

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